Work-Related Massage Injury Treatment Therapy
Are you an employee with a work-related injury?
Whenever you sustain an injury at work, be sure to report the injury to your employer immediately so they can start a report. No matter how slight the injury, report it. It may be nothing, but sometimes small things can turn into bigger problems that you don't notice until a day or two later.
If you have been injured recently while on the job and are still suffering from the work-related injuries, you may want to consider massage therapy. Below are the items we will require to begin your massage therapy.
Washington State Labor & Industries Claim
You will need to provide us with a prescription from your doctor for massage for your first set of six visits. We will also need claim number, case manager's name, and date of injury.
Private Labor & Industries Claim
You will need to provide us with a prescription from your doctor for massage. We will also need company name, billing address, phone number, claim number, case manager's name, and date of injury.