Hypnosis & Neurolinguistics

What Does Hypnosis Treat?

  • Health Issues - Pain control, weight release, headaches, allergies, stress, depression, anger, guilt, and other emotional issues
  • Fears & Phobias - Public speaking; fear of things like animals, insects, etc; environmental fears such as water, planes, small spaces, and so on
  • Memory & Concentration - Improve focus and clarity, improves memory, and item retrieval
  • Stuck Behaviors & Beliefs - Motivation, addiction, clearing internal conflict

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a way to bypass the critical factors or filters we use to establish acceptable selective thinking. Because hypnosis works at the subconscious level, it allows "The Librarian" who manages your thought processes to take a break. When the librarian is at rest we can take out books (habits, illogical fears, perceptions of events that hold us back) and replace them with better habits, mature awareness, renewed focus, focused performance, comfort, motivation, and more. When the librarian comes back they have access to improved thoughts, habits, and beliefs.

The unconscious mind is responsible for the autonomic responses such as breathing, heart rate, body temperature, digestion, and protective reflexes.

The conscious mind is limited to the NOW, with a short attention span. It has limited logic, and limited willpower. The conscious mind is easily distracted.

Even the strongest and best-intentioned willpower and love can't change behavior because of the limitations of the conscious mind. When conflicts arise between logic (conscious mind) and emotion (subconscious mind), the emotion will win every time because it's limitless and is not only tied to thoughts and feelings, but to other senses.

The subconscious mind is where "the librarian" resides. The subconscious mind stores all the memories, habits, and beliefs, and is the sum of who we are, all of our emotions and personality. We respond in certain ways to different situations because we process information through our own ingrained personal filters (critical factor) and see every situation through our familiar filters. It is the internal dialogue of that little voice inside us all that overrides the logic. The subconscious mind is limitless; it has no bounds which is why we can dream or imagine unbelievable things.

What is Neurolinguistics?

People tend to move away from words that cause negative emotional and physiological changes. The word PAIN, for instance, can a physical reaction and not in a good way. By contrast, PLEASURE causes a positive response and the subconscious mind moves toward it. By selecting specific words, you give the mind positive choices.

Who Can Be Hypnotized?

Spontaneous states of hypnosis happen all day long. Have you ever lost track of time reading a good book? Or taken a familiar way home and when you arrived you don't remember the trip? Have you ever been mesmerized by a kiss, the beauty of a new baby, or have moments when the whole world just disappears These are all states of hypnosis; anyone who has had this happen can be hypnotized.

Methods of Hypnosis

  • Guided Imagery - the use of the senses to create places where changes can take place in a safe environment
  • Stacking Anchors - using touch to anchor positive reinforcement when the body and mind are congruent with a positive experience
  • Neurolinguistics - the use of words that the subconscious mind can utilize to make positive

Common False Myths about Hypnotherapy

  • A hypnotized person is asleep - False! The patient is not asleep and are aware of what's being said and the environment around them.
  • Hypnosis works like truth serum - False! Because the patient is not asleep, they have control and will only reveal what they want to reveal.
  • A hypnotized person gives up control - False! The hypnotized person has full control of their body and words during the entire session.
  • Only the weak minded can be hypnotized - False! Hypnotism helps people use their own mental and emotional processes to achieve lasting results.
  • Hypnosis is evil or dangerous - False! Hypnotism has been used for thousands of years to help people and adverse reactions are very rare but may include headaches or drowsiness.
  • There is a chance of getting stuck in a hypnotic state - False! There is no chance that you will be stuck in a hypnotic state. Your hypnotherapist will guide you back from hypnosis before the end of your appointment.
  • A hypnotized person will remember nothing about the session - False! You will be aware of all of your surroundings, what's being said, and what you say during the session.
  • All these statements are untrue. Hypnotism has been used for thousands of years to help people use their own mental processes to achieve positive and lasting changes for relaxation, health, focus, and emotional healing.

    Because the patient is not asleep, they are fully aware of what's being said and the environment around them. Therefore, a patient has control and will only reveal what they want to reveal. Hypnotists are trained and licensed. Hypnosis is not dangerous or evil; it is merely another tool to achieve optimal wellbeing.

    Pricing & Insurance

    • Hypnotherapy only - $80.00
    • Hypnotherapy & Initial Acupuncture Combined - $185.00
    • Hypnotherapy & Return Acupuncture Combined - $125.00
    • Weight-Release Program (Hypno & ACUP) - $120.00/treatment, minimum of two treatments.
    • Quit Smoking/Tobacco Program (Hypno & ACUP) - $120.00/treatment, minimum of two treatments.

    We do not bill Hypnotherapy to any insurance provider but can partially bill for combined Acupuncture/Hypnotherapy treatments. Talk to the front desk to discuss pricing when billing insurance. 360.996.4778

    Review the Hypnotherapy Intake & Welcome Packet before your appointment. Please print and complete the first two pages and bring them with you to your first appointment.

    Quit Smoking Welcome Packet

    Weight Release Welcome Packet